Sakarya Tıp Dergisi, vol.10, no.2, pp.191-196, 2020 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Objective Anthracycline-derived chemotherapy for cancer treatment may cause dose-dependent irreversible heart failure. Arterial stifness is a predictor of cardiovascular events. Weaimed to investigate the relationship between chemotherapy and arterial stiffness.Materialsand MethodsPatients diagnosed non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, agreed to recieve anthracycline chemotherapy, were included in the study. Arterial stiffness was evaluated with applanationtonometer before, first and sixth cycles of chemotherapy.Results There was a tendency to increase first and sixth cycles pulse wave velocity values before anthracycline chemotherapy [9.08 (8.12-9.76), 10.31 (8.22-12.62), 9.64 (8.22-12.62)m/s, p = 0.053] but those changes were not reach statistically significance. Augmentation index change did not significantly change between anthracycline chemotherapycycles (p = 0.810). There was also a tendency to decrease first and sixth cycle subendocardial viabilty ratio values before151.60 (122.20-188.70) and after 124.30 (94.50-154.10), p = 0.058 chemotherapy.Conclusion Anthracycline chemotherapy tends to impaire arterial stiffness parameters.