Potential of waste heat use in solar chimney power plants: Performance enhancement through soil-based heat storage medium

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Şen H., Cüce E., Mert Cüce A. P.

Seventh International Hasankeyf Scientific Research and Innovation Congress, Batman, Turkey, 23 - 24 February 2024, pp.261-270

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • City: Batman
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.261-270
  • Dokuz Eylül University Affiliated: Yes


The sun is the favourite of renewable energy sources due to its potential. Its popularity is increasing day by day, especially with its ability to be used in wide geographies and different usage areas. Solar chimney power plants can convert the sun's thermal energy into electricity without the need for an additional system. It heats the air trapped in its large-area collector both by direct solar radiation and indirectly by the greenhouse effect. Additionally, the semi-permeable collector allows solar radiation to reach the ground. In this way, the temperature increase on the floor contributes to the continuous heat transfer to the system air. Solar chimney power plants can also provide power output during hours when the sun is not shining. To achieve this, the use of an energy storage unit on the ground is required. In this study, it is aimed to obtain continuous power output from the system by integrating the waste heat of a power plant into the ground of the solar chimney power plants. The thermal conductivity of the floor material becomes important at this point. The heat provided by the continuous waste heat in the underground piping system allows the solar chimney power plant to provide 24-hour power output. In the study, the power output that can be obtained at different radiation intensities and temperatures during the day is calculated. In addition, during hours when there is no sun, only the power output provided by the driving force of the chimney and the heat transfer obtained from waste heat is evaluated. Current power outputs are evaluated for different performance parameters and a comparison is presented with the results obtained from similar studies in the literature. It is seen that the performance of the system, which gives approximately 50 kW power output in the reference case, gives twice as much power output as the hybrid system.