Sunum, ss.1-22, 2022
Approach to the Impact of Strong Winds and Storms on Cultural Heritage
Prof. Dr. Zerrin Toprak
Karaman, Dokuz Eylul University
of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Department of Public Administration
Due to the triggering effect of climate change,
meteorological issues such as strong winds, storms, and tornadoes have become
visible also in Turkey in the 2000s. The negative environmental impacts and
service disruptions caused by weather events, including the deadly consequences
in nature, have increased and have become frightening. There seems to be no
issue that is not affected by the phenomenon of strong winds and storms that
have spread throughout the country. When the records taken from the General
Directorate of Meteorology are evaluated, it is seen that the speeds of winds
around Turkey have reached the limit that causes them to be categorized as
storms. In addition to the winds, the phenomenon of fire has put the issues of
human-induced accidents and terrorism on the agenda. Although to this date, the
author accepted the “protection from people“ approach on which the principles
of “protection of cultural assets” are based, this article focuses on the
connection of the “storm phenomenon” and “effects on cultural assets” in Turkey
in its entirety. Problem-solving methodology involves an interdisciplinary
Storm, Disaster Administration, Cultural Heritage, Trans-disciplinary, Interdisciplinarity