Examination of Paintings of Naive Artists from Urfa in Terms of Colors, Compositions, Space and Subjects


ART-SANAT, no.14, pp.441-467, 2020 (ESCI) identifier identifier

  • Publication Type: Article / Article
  • Publication Date: 2020
  • Doi Number: 10.26650/artsanat.2020.14.0017
  • Journal Name: ART-SANAT
  • Journal Indexes: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), TR DİZİN (ULAKBİM)
  • Page Numbers: pp.441-467
  • Dokuz Eylül University Affiliated: No


Naive art is the kind of art that is performed independently of the artistic characteristics of a certain period in art history, art movement and theory. Naive artists, who do not have any vocational education history, work with their inner creative impulses without using any academic painting techniques and having contemporary art inclinations. Naive artists come from various socio-economic backgrounds and have various occupations. They mostly handle subjects such as their childhood memories, ordinary scenes of everyday life in the environment where they grew up, and subjects related to folk art. However, there are examples of fantastic, symbolic, surrealistic, satirical and critical content, as well as historical and social aspects, which also come into prominence in the works of Naive artists, who do not self-censor what they think and feel. The works of Naive artists differ from the works of amateurs and countryside artists who have received art education in terms of their content and execution of shapes. In the same way, folk art that depicts traditional culture cannot be evaluated in the same art category as Naive art. Each element in these paintings, which are created with childish sensitivity, is described in finest details and with attentive insight. Most of the time, Naive artists work without worrying about the rules of art like perspective, dimensions or balance and without making comparison between their own work and other pieces of art in an academic sense during the creation process, since they focus on the story or events to be depicted in their work. The Naive artist tries to introduce new worlds, new phenomena, by discovering new details during the process of production. In this study, some evaluations concerning the historical evolution of Naive art and its reflections on Turkey will be made. Secondly, the works of Namuslu Ali, Osman Gorgun, Sefika Ganes, Naci Buyuklarcali, Abdurrahman Birden, Abdurrahman Polat, Neset Uykan, Necmi Kaya and Muharrem celik, some of the Naive artists from Urfa who work with a Naive approach bringing local motifs and themes into the forefront, are examined in terms of characteristics of colors, composition, space and subjects.