58th International Conference of Machine Design Departments (ICMD), Prague, Çek Cumhuriyeti, 6 - 08 Eylül 2017, ss.144-149
This study aim calculating stress distribution, determination of the spring force with release travel and calculating releasing displacement on clutch assembly by using finite element method. Quarter clutch model is used for those analyses. Solid model of clutch assembly is performed by Solidworks 2016 (R) and structural analysis is achieved by Ansys Workbench 15 (R). Structural analysis is performed in four steps which their first, second and third steps are related with assembly operation and fourth step is simulate spring deformation of clutch assembly. Spring forces are calculated with quarter clutch assembly model. Numerical results are compared with experimental result of diaphragm spring for validation of finite element analysis. Embossed diaphragm spring design is examined to reduce stress on clutch parts. Finite element results show the embossed spring design effect the clearance between pressure plate and clutch disc.