IKTISAT ISLETME VE FINANS, vol.24, no.283, pp.89-117, 2009 (SSCI)
Communicating customer requirements to customer relationship management: An application of modern quality function deployment Firms aim to establish long-term relationships with customers through customer relationship management in order to gain competitive advantage. However, the voice of the customer should be listened and integrated into marketing strategies after carefully interpreting those requirements. This article aims to communicate the voice of customer acquired by modern quality function deployment methodology, which is capable of capturing and understanding customer requirements, to customer relationship management applications. In this aspect, an empirical study is conducted on Dokuz Eylul University, Faculty of Business academic staff regarding notebooks and a customer relationship management database is generated including respondents' requirements of the product in question. It is believed that a new point of view is brought to customer relationship management applications by including voice of customer-to-customer relationship management database. Firms can utilize this application to satisfy customers by providing customized goods/services through applying the right marketing strategy to the right customer.