A New Version Darboux Vector and Characterization Some Special Curves According to Type-2 Bishop Frame in R-3

YILMAZ S., Savci U. Z.

PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES INDIA SECTION A-PHYSICAL SCIENCES, cilt.87, sa.3, ss.355-362, 2017 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier


In this paper, we introduce a new Darboux vector and Darboux helix a curve according to type-2 Bishop frame in . We defined a new Darboux vector in term of type-2 Bishop frame in . We introduce a new spherical indicatrix, Darboux helix and constant precession of the curve type-2 Bishop in Euclidean 3-space. We give new characterization between Darboux helix and general helix. Apart from, the following characterization is given. The curve is an inclined curve if and only if the arc length of the Darboux spherical indicatrix of the is constant. Finally we illustrate one example of our main results.