Coexistence of Wormian Bones with Metopism and Vice Versa in Adult Skulls

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Çırpan S., Aksu F., Göçmen Mas N. N., Mağden A. O.

XXIV International Symposium on Morphological Sciences, İstanbul, Turkey, 2 - 06 September 2015, vol.9, no.200, pp.203

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • Volume: 9
  • City: İstanbul
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.203
  • Dokuz Eylül University Affiliated: Yes


Objective: The aim of the study is to investigate coexistence of

Wormian bones with metopism, and vice versa, in adult skulls.

Materials and Methods: A total of 160 dry adult human skulls of

unknown sex and ages were randomly selected from the Gross

Anatomy Laboratory of Medical School of Dokuz Eylul University.

The skulls were examined for presence of metopism, Wormian

bones (WB), and coexistence of WBs with metopism and vice

versa. Topographic distribution of the WBs was macroscopically

evaluated within the skulls including metopism. 

Results: The frequency of metopism and WBs in 160 skulls is

7.50% (12/160) and 59.3% (95/160), respectively, P<0.05

 The incidence of coexistence of WBs with metopism

was found as 11 of 12 skulls (91.66%), whereas the incidence of

coexistence of metopism with WBs was found as 11 of 95 skulls

(11.58%), P<0.05. There were totally 23 sutures

including WBs in 11 skulls, which had metopism. The

number (%) of metopic skulls for each specific suture including

WBs were found as: 11 lamdoid sutures in 7/11 (63.63%) skulls, 4

lambda in 4/11 (36.36%) skulls, 2 asterion in 2/11 (18.18%) skulls,

1 squamous in 1/11 (9.09%) skull, 2 sagittal in 2/11 (18.18%) skulls,

and 3 parieromsatoid sutures in 2/11 (18.18%) skulls. The

distribution of these 23 WBs in sutures of 11 skulls including

metopisms is determined as follows: 11/23 (47.82%) WBs at

lambdoid sutures [5/23 (21.74%) at the right lambdoid sutures

and 6/23 (26.08%) at the left lambdoid sutures, and 4 pair of 11

WBs bilaterally located]; 4 (17.39%) WBs at lambda; 2/23 (8.69%)

WBs at asterion [1/23 (4.34%) at the right asterion and 1/23 (4.34%)

at the left asterion of 2 diverse skulls]; 2/23 (8.69%) WBs at sagittal

sutures; 1/23 (4.34%) WBs at the left squamous suture; 3/23

(13.04%) WBs at parietomastoid sutures [2/23 (8.69%) at the

right parietomastoid sutures and 1/23 (4.34%) at the left

parietomastoid suture and 1 pair of them bilaterally located;