
The Interdisciplinary Disaster Administration Research Group founded by Prof. Dr. Zerrin Toprak Karaman is composed of well-known scientists from social sciences, health sciences, and life sciences. The group which was established with our accumulated knowledge and experience has proven its interdisciplinary intellectual capacity with the research studies it has conducted. Our group members have been systematically organizing workshops and symposiums together with public, private, and non-governmental organizations, mainly since 2013. Our works also have significant external effects in the format of books and brochures. In addition, our work has also been shared on the platforms of the Union of Municipalities of Turkey and the Presidential Board of Local Government Policies. The group members are recognized both in Izmir and in Turkey.

The focus of our activities is specifically based on active interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research.

You can reach the data to be electronically processed through Dokuz Eylül University's web page at avesis.deu.edu.tr.

Disiplinlerarası Afet Yönetimi Araştırmaları Grubu adıyla , Prof.Dr.Zerrin Toprak Karaman tarafından kurulan grubumuz,  üyeleri sosyal bilimler, sağlık bilimleri ve fen bilimleri alanında tanınmış bilim insanları olup, disiplinlerarası zihinsel kapasitesini araştırmalarıyla  kanıtlamıştır. Grubumuz üyeleri,  esasen  2013 yılından bu yana sistematik olarak Çalıştaylar ve Sempozyumlar, kamu -özel ve sivil toplum kuruluşları ile birlikte düzenlemektedir.   Çalışmalarımız kitap ve broşür olarak önemli etkisel  dışsallığa sahiptir. Ayrıca çalışmalarımız Türkiye Belediyeler Birliği, Cumhurbaşkanlığı Yerel Yönetimler Politikalar Kurulu yapılanmalarında da paylaşılmıştır. Grup üyelerinin,  İzmir ve Türkiye ölçeğinde tanınırlığı bulunmaktadır.  Bu bilgi ve tecrübe içinde Araştırma Grubu Kurulmuştur.

Dokuz Eylül Üniversitemizin avesis.deu.edu.tr  web sayfasından elektronik olarak işlenecek verilere erişilebilir. 

Faaliyetlerimiz , özellikle aktif disiplinler arası ve  disiplinler ötesi araştırmaları hedeflemektedir. 

The Interdisciplinary Disaster Administration Research Group founded by Prof. Dr. Zerrin Toprak Karaman is composed of well-known scientists from social sciences, health sciences, and life sciences. The group which was established with our accumulated knowledge and experience has proven its interdisciplinary intellectual capacity with the research studies it has conducted. Our group members have been systematically organizing workshops and symposiums together with public, private, and non-governmental organizations, mainly since 2013. Our works also have significant external effects in the format of books and brochures. In addition, our work has also been shared on the platforms of the Union of Municipalities of Turkey and the Presidential Board of Local Government Policies. The group members are recognized both in Izmir and in Turkey.

The focus of our activities is specifically based on active interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research.

You can reach the data to be electronically processed through Dokuz Eylül University's web page at avesis.deu.edu.tr.