Examination of Postgraduate Theses in the Field Of Music Technologies In Turkey Between 2018-2022

Özkut B., Kıstır E. G.

ÖĞRETİM TEKNOLOJİSİ VE HAYAT BOYU ÖĞRENME DERGİSİ, vol.1, no.2, pp.140-148, 2023 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)


The development of technology affects human life and interests in many areas. This research was carried out to classify the postgraduate theses in the field of music technologies covering the years 2018-2022 in Turkey in order to reveal the effects of technological developments on music. Since the specified time period includes the Covid-19 pandemic period, it is among the sub-objectives of the research to determine the situation as a leading indicator of the effect on the thesis studies. The research is a descriptive study from qualitative research methods. The content and scope of the research consist of a total of 31 postgraduate theses that can be accessed on the thesis screening page of the Council of Higher Education between 2018-2022. In the thesis studies reached for the research, the concepts related to music technologies included in the keywords, subject headings, and abstracts of the theses constitute the limitations of the research. Although these concepts include the expressions "Computer, technology, sound recording, digital, recording technologies, sound technologies, music technologies, studio, software", the ones related to the field of music have been scanned. The data obtained were classified according to academic degrees, years, universities, institutes, subjects, the language in which they were written, and thesis titles and were analyzed by making frequency/percentage distributions. Based on the data obtained, it was concluded that the master's theses in the field of music technology are in the majority, the studies are based in Istanbul, and the Social Sciences Institutes are dominant based on the institute. It is thought that the research is important in terms of creating a leading indicator for the studies to be done in the field of music technologies.


Technologies in music educationMusic and TechnologiesGraduate Music ThesisSound and RecordingComputer and MusicElectronic Music