A European flyway research network for the effective conservation of migrant landbirds (EUFLYNET)

Albayrak T.

TÜBİTAK - AB COST Projesi , 2024 - 2027

  • Proje Türü: TÜBİTAK - AB COST Projesi
  • Başlama Tarihi: Mart 2024
  • Bitiş Tarihi: Ekim 2027

Proje Özeti

One third of European breeding bird species are migrant birds that occur across the continent and winter in
Africa, and most of these species are landbirds. Many species are in serious decline from multiple causes in
multiple areas of the flyway.
A COST Action scientific network is needed to understand these migrant landbird population dynamics
because research must take place over the scale of the birds’ flyway. We will therefore create a scientific
network at the appropriately large scale through flyway level cooperation and coordination of existing local
research throughout Europe, and training and sharing of expertise to peripheral countries. The network will
also facilitate new research to determine the time and place of population limitations in the annual cycle of
each migrant landbird species. The research is interdisciplinary, including ecology, remote sensing,
geographical models and development of statistical techniques to allow effective prediction of how climate
and habitat change affects migrant populations. Effective management actions to address migrant bird
declines can then be identified and implemented through species action plans, operating efficiently across
Europe because they arise from a network already cooperating at that scale.
The scientific breakthrough will be to carry out fundamental migrant landbird research at the appropriate
scale: examples of the effectiveness of this approach are just emerging and we aim to make this standard
across Europe and peripheral countries. This will lead to improvements in our ability to effectively conserve
migrant landbird populations that contribute ecosystem services such as biodiversity and quality of life.