CLEFS: Cross-linguistic experiments on fragmentary sentences

Özgen M.

Diğer Ülkelerden Üniversiteler Tarafından Desteklenmiş Proje, 2023 - 2026

  • Proje Türü: Diğer Ülkelerden Üniversiteler Tarafından Desteklenmiş Proje
  • Başlama Tarihi: Ekim 2023
  • Bitiş Tarihi: Ekim 2026

Proje Özeti

The DFG-funded research project “CLEFS: Cross-linguistic experiments on fragmentary sentences”, hosted by the University of Tübingen, Germany, is inviting applications for *two* 3-year PhD positions in Linguistics. The starting date is 01 October 2023. CLEFS employs the experimental syntax methodology to study the formal properties of fragmentary sentences (fragment answers, sluicing) in English, German, and Turkish. Specifically, the project will conduct a series of cross-linguistically informed acceptability judgment experiments to test the predictions of contemporary generative theories of ellipsis. One PhD project will focus on German and the phenomenon of P-omission under clausal ellipsis; the other will focus on Turkish and the phenomenon of island-(in)sensitivity under clausal ellipsis. Both successful candidates will be ready to submit cumulative dissertations (in English) by the end of the project’s run.

The tasks associated with this role include:
- Conducting acceptability judgment experiments on German/Turkish and English,
- Disseminating of the project’s findings, via conference presentations, peer-reviewed articles, proceedings, etc.,
- Archiving experimental material and results in the Tübingen Archive of Language Resources (TALAR) electronic database.

Necessary for the role:
- The candidate has or will soon have an M.A. or equivalent degree in linguistics or a related subject, preferably with a focus on generative linguistic theories of morphology and syntax,
- The candidate speaks and writes English at a near-native level,
- The candidate has an interest in and preferably has already done work on a topic related to the interface between grammar and discourse.

Not necessary but highly welcome:
- The candidate has some experience with and/or can demonstrate her/his/their aptitude for quickly mastering the experimental syntax methodology, including performing inferential statistical tests using R,
- The candidate has native-like knowledge of German (for the PhD project on German) or Turkish (for the PhD project on Turkish).

The successful candidate must live in Tübingen for the duration of the project. The successful candidate will be hired by the University of Tübingen and receive a 3-year contract at the E13 level of the German pay scale (65% TV-L E13). The starting salary amounts to approximately €2,700 per month before taxes and obligatory insurances, including health insurance.

The university seeks to raise the number of women in research and teaching and therefore urges qualified women academics to apply for these positions. Equally qualified applicants with disabilities will be given preference.

The employment will be carried out by the central administration of the University of Tübingen.

Applications containing a maximally two-page cover letter (describing how the candidate fits the job specification and relates to the project’s topic), a CV (including the email addresses of two referees), and an academic writing sample in English should be sent as one PDF file via email to More information, including a detailed summary of the project, can be requested from the project’s Principal Investigator, Jun.-Prof. Dr. James Griffiths ( The deadline for applications is 31 May 2023 at 17:00 CET. Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed via Skype / Zoom in the second or third week of June.