The COST Action - “Connecting Theory and Practical Issues of Migration and Religious Diversity" (COREnet)

Abka S.

TÜBİTAK - AB COST Projesi , 2024 - 2025

  • Proje Türü: TÜBİTAK - AB COST Projesi
  • Başlama Tarihi: Şubat 2024
  • Bitiş Tarihi: Ekim 2025

Proje Özeti

The COST Action - “Connecting Theory and Practical Issues of Migration and Religious Diversity" (COREnet) - is an interdisciplinary network that aims to produce, exchange and build knowledge and collaborations across Europe on the topic of migration and religious diversity. Specifically, COREnet focuses on combining theoretical and practical issues at the intersection of migration and religious diversity with a particular emphasis on bottom-up research.

This network is situated within the wider macro context of major political and societal grand challenges in relation to migration and religious diversity, evidenced recently in Europe by inward migration – specifically, migrants and refugees - from war-torn countries including Syria and Ukraine. Interdisciplinary research, cross-national collaborations to build capacity and knowledge, and widespread communication and information exchange pertaining to migration and religious diversity topics are essential means by which to document, compare and explore shared issues and concerns in migration and religious diversity.The network aims thus to contribute to overcoming divisions within and across European countries through a collaborative approach that would add to existing social scientific knowledge on migration and religious diversity: the study of religions and theological insights explaining the narratives of migrants and refugees.COREnet draws in researchers from all stages of their careers and across different European countries; training a new generation of interdisciplinary action researchers capable of connecting the study of religions and theology, and migration and the social sciences, and working that into action through processes of co-production.This network bridges knowledge with stakeholders – governmental, non-governmental and media organisations - working in the field of diversity management at the local, national and European levels.