Yayınlar & Eserler

Diğer Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler
Hakemli Kongre / Sempozyum Bildiri Kitaplarında Yer Alan Yayınlar

Why Are The Book Reviews In Higher Education Important?

3rd InternationalScientific Researches Congress (UBAK 2018), Nevşehir, Türkiye, 10 Eylül 2018, cilt.1, ss.535-545


2nd INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, Çanakkale, Türkiye, 2 - 04 Kasım 2018, cilt.1, ss.266-274

Activating Cultural Awareness in Oour Classes

2nd INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, Çanakkale, Türkiye, 2 - 04 Kasım 2018, cilt.1, ss.675-681

Teaching and Enchancing Vocabulary in ESL Classes Joyfully

8th International Congress of Research in Education, Manisa, Türkiye, 09 Mayıs 2018, cilt.1, ss.937-947

Learning and Teaching Cultural Diversity in Our Classes

8th International Congress of Research in Education, Manisa, Türkiye, 09 Mayıs 2018, cilt.1, ss.961-969

The Role of the Main Course Lessons in EFL Classes:

9th International Congress of Educational Research, Çanakkale, Türkiye, 12 - 13 Mayıs 2017, cilt.9, ss.1126-1138

How Can the Science of Happiness Help Us Make Better Lessons

9th International Congress of Educational Research 2017, Çanakkale, Türkiye, 12 Mayıs 2017, cilt.9, ss.1115-1125

Popular Words and Their usages In Our Classes

2nd International Conference on Best Practices and Innovations in Education, İzmir, Türkiye, 20 Ekim 2017, cilt.1, ss.145

Teaching Intercultural Communication Skills in Maincourse and Speaking Classes

2nd International Conference on Best Practices and Innovations in Education, İzmir, Türkiye, 19 Ekim 2017, cilt.1, ss.140

Motivating Activities in Speaking and Listening Classes

27th IATEFL Hungary Conference, Budapest, Macaristan, 7 - 08 Ekim 2017, cilt.1, ss.17

Exploring the Sense of Humor in ELT Classes

Nile UK international ELT Conference : Glocalisation of Professional Development in ELT: Think Global, Act Global, İzmir, Türkiye, 04 Haziran 2016, cilt.1, ss.22


The Eighth International Congress of Educational Research, Çanakkale, Türkiye, 5 - 08 Mayıs 2016


VIII. Uluslararası Eğitim Araştırmaları Kongresi, Çanakkale, Türkiye, 5 - 08 Mayıs 2016

Jazzing up Our Classes With Different Songs and Jokes

ETAS 32nd Annual Conference and AGM, Zürich, İsviçre, 23 - 24 Ocak 2016, cilt.1, ss.25-36

Developing Speaking and Writing Skills in Basic English Classes

2nd ESBB (English Scholars Beyond Borders Conference) 2015-DEU Buca Faculty of Education, Izmir, İzmir, Türkiye, 03 Aralık 2015, cilt.1

The Role of the Professional Development Studies in ELT Studies in the 21st Century

4th WCEIS (World Conference on Educational and Instructional Studies), Antalya, Türkiye, 5 - 07 Kasım 2015, cilt.1, ss.24

Politeness in the British and American Culture

the 21st IAWE (International Association for World Englishes) Conference 2015, İstanbul, Türkiye, 8 - 10 Ekim 2015, cilt.1

Global Perspectives on the Impact of Digital Technology in Foreign Language Learning

The 1st international SILL (The Self in Language Learning) Conference 2015, Adana, Türkiye, 16 - 19 Eylül 2015, cilt.1


The international SILL (The Self in Language Learning) Conference 2015, Adana, Türkiye, 16 - 19 Eylül 2015, cilt.1

Using Games to Develop Sociolinguistic Competence in Foreign Language Classes

The 22nd international Conference on Learning, Madrid, İspanya, 11 - 13 Temmuz 2015, cilt.1

Increasing Communicative Effectiveness in Language Classes

The 22nd international Conference on Learning, Madrid, İspanya, 11 - 13 Temmuz 2015, cilt.1

The Positive Effects of Cognitive Learning Styles in ELT Classes

IJAS (International Journal of Arts and Sciences) Conference 2015, Barselona, İspanya, 22 - 26 Haziran 2015, cilt.1

New approaches on learner autonomy in language learning

Proceedings of the 1st GlobELT Conference on Teaching and Learning English as an Additional Language, Antalya, Türkiye, 16 - 19 Nisan 2015, cilt.199, ss.428-435 identifier

The Role of Motivation in ELT Classes

9th interdisciplinary Conference on Social Sciences, Vancouver, Kanada, 11 - 14 Haziran 2014, cilt.1

The advantages of brain based learning in ELT classes

ERPA International Congress on Education (ERPA), İstanbul, Türkiye, 6 - 08 Haziran 2014, cilt.152, ss.258-262 identifier

Helping students to escape pessimism and to become more optimist in ELT classes

ERPA International Congress on Education (ERPA), İstanbul, Türkiye, 6 - 08 Haziran 2014, cilt.152, ss.263-267 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma identifier

Rote Learning and Critical Thinking in Reading Courses

8th ICE (International Conference on Education) Samos, Greece, Samos, Yunanistan, 5 - 07 Temmuz 2012, cilt.1, ss.12-19

Teaching American English and the British English

The 10th Language, Literature and Stylistics Symposium, Ankara, Türkiye, 3 - 05 Kasım 2010, cilt.1, ss.506-513

Teaching Formal and Informal Wordsin Spoken Courses

The 10th Language, Literature and Stylistics Symposium, Ankara, Türkiye, 3 - 05 Kasım 2010, cilt.1, ss.514-520

The Role of Language Learning Strategies in Teaching English

ICONTE (International Conference on New Trends in Education and Their Implications 2010, Antalya, Ankara, Türkiye, 11 - 13 Kasım 2010, cilt.1, ss.150

Teaching Metaphors in English Language Teaching

The 1st International CBU TEFL Conference " Learning, Teaching and Research in TEFL" 2010, Manisa, Türkiye, 30 Ekim 2010, cilt.1, ss.26

The Role of Pronunciation in Teaching English to Mathematics Students

1st World Congress on the Power of Language: Theory, Practice and Performance, Bangkok, Tayland, 22 - 26 Haziran 2006, cilt.1, ss.55-65

Teaching English as an International Language at Dokuz Eylul University

1st World Congress on the Power of Language: Theory, Practice and Performance, Bangkok, Tayland, 22 - 26 Mayıs 2006, ss.65-76

How The CALLA Helps Us to Make Better Lessons

9th international İNGED ELT (English Language Teaching) Conference-Economics and Technology University, Ankara, Türkiye, 21 - 23 Ekim 2005, cilt.1, ss.23

How To Select Learning Strategies Effectively

5th International Educational Technologies Conference “IETC 2005, Sakarya University, Sakarya, Türkiye, 21 - 22 Eylül 2005, cilt.1, ss.309-314

Writing Lessons After the Prep Class Education at Dokuz Eylul University

Best Practices for Teaching Writing Conference-Eskişehir Anadolu University&USIS, Eskişehir, Türkiye, 4 - 05 Mart 2005, cilt.1, ss.19

Improving Students s Language Skills

8th International İNGED ELT Conference “ One Step Further ” -Izmir University of Economics, İzmir, Türkiye, 3 - 05 Eylül 2004, cilt.1, ss.20

Helping the Freshman Beginners To Overcome Their Difficulties in Writing

36th International IATEFL Annual Conference, University of York, York, Sierra Leone, 22 - 27 Mart 2002, cilt.1, ss.62

How to Help Beginners Overcome Their Writing Difficulties

3rd International Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) ELT Conference, Gazimagusa, Kıbrıs (Kktc), 11 - 13 Şubat 2001, cilt.1

How To Make Students More Active and Talkative By Using Picture Talk Activities

4th Internatıonal INGED Cukurova University ELT Conference, Adana, Türkiye, 19 - 20 Ekim 2000, cilt.1, ss.19
Kitap & Kitap Bölümleri

Optimizing Lexical Approach in Communicative Language Teaching Classes

Sosyal Bilimlerde Yeni Araştırmalar- VI, Oğuz Ayla, Ulutürk Sakarya Yasemin, Editör, Berikan Yayınevi Ankara, Ankara, ss.239-251, 2022

Using Short Youtube Videos in English Language Education ..........................................................................................

Sosyal Bilimlerde Yeni Araştırmalar-VI, Oğuz Ayla, Ulutürk Sakarya Yasemin, Editör, Berikan Yayınevi Ankara, Ankara, ss.251-263, 2022


Women’s Untold Stories: A Study of Diaspora., Morve Roshan K., Editör, Kanyakumari, India: Cape Comorin Publisher, Kanyakumari, ss.87-101, 2022

Talking About The Turkısh Culture And The EuropeanCulture In ESP Classes..............................................



VIII INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH Quality Assurance in Higher Education and Accreditation of Faculties of Education and Accreditation of Faculties of Educatio, Yrd. Doç. Dr. Martina RIEDLER, Yrd. Doç. Dr. Enver YOLCU, Doç. Dr. Salih Zeki GENÇ,Doç. Dr. Mustafa Yunus ERYAMAN, Editör, Turkish Educational Research Association Press, Çanakkale, ss.2607-2620, 2016


VIII INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH Quality Assurance in Higher Education and Accreditation of Faculties of Education and Accreditation of Faculties of Education, Yrd. Doç. Dr. Martina RIEDLER, Yrd. Doç. Dr. Enver YOLCU,Doç. Dr. Salih Zeki GENÇ, Doç. Dr. Mustafa Yunus ERYAMAN, Editör, Turkish Educational Research Association Press, Çanakkale, ss.2596-2606, 2016

The Role of Creative and Global Thinking in ELT Classes

Advances in Social Sciences Research, Dr. Yvette Yun Yue, Editör, Sydney: AICEI Publisher, Sydney, ss.118-131, 2013

Online Games for the English and Spanish Learners

Advances in Social Sciences Research, Dr. Yvette Yun Yue, Editör, Sydney: AICEI Publisher, Sydney, ss.187-199, 2013

Teaching American English and the British English

10 Uluslararası Dil Yazın Deyişbilim Sempozyumu 10th International Language Literature and Stylistics Symposium, Doç. Dr. Suna AĞILDERE, Doç. Dr. Nuretttin Ceviz, Editör, Ankara: Bizim Büro Basımevi, Ankara, ss.506-513, 2011

Teaching Formal and Informal Words in Spoken Courses

10 Uluslararası Dil Yazın ve Deyişbilim Sempozyumu The 10th International Language Literature and Stylistics Symposium, Doç. Dr. Suna Ağıldere, Doç. Dr. Nurettin Ceviz, Editör, Bizim Büro Basımevi, Ankara, ss.514-520, 2011

How the 1st Class Students in the Department of Computer Education andInstructional Technology at Dokuz Eylul University are Learning English During the 2007-2008

Excellence in Education 2008: Future Minds and Creativity Proceedings of the Annual ICIE held in Paris-France (July 1-4, 2008)., Prof. Dr. Taisir Subhi Yamin, Editör, ICIE, Ulm, Germany, Front Cover: Kevin Lamoureux, Winnipeg University-Canada., Ulm, ss.848-851, 2008

How To Motivate and Assess Students in the English Preparatory Classes and in TheUndergraduate Level of The English-Medium Programmes at Dokuz Eylul University

Excellence in Education 2008: Future Minds and Creativity Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the ICIE held in Paris, France(July 1-4, 2008), Prof. Dr. Taisir Subhi Yamin, Editör, ICIE Ulm, Germany, Ulm, ss.588-596, 2008

İngiliz Dilini Uluslararası Öğretme

Türkiye de Yabancı Dil Ulusal Kongresi 2007, Doç. Dr. Suna Ağıldere, Doç. Dr. Nurettin Ceviz, Editör, Bizim Büro Basımevi, Ankara, ss.814-817, 2008

İngiliz Dili Eğitiminde Web Sitelerinin Kullanımı

Türkiye de Yabancı Dil Eğitimi Ulusal Kongresi 2007, Doç. Dr. Suna Ağıldere, Doç. Dr. Nurettin Ceviz, Editör, Bizim Büro Basımevi, Ankara, ss.808-813, 2008

How the First Class Students in the Department of Computer Education andInstructional Technology at Dokuz Eylul University are Learning English During the 2007-2008 Academic Year

Excellence in Education 2008: Future Minds and Creativity Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the ICIE held in Paris, France (July 1-4, 2008), Prof. Dr. Taisir Subhi Yamin, Editör, ICIE Ulm, Germany, Ulm, ss.848-851, 2008

The Role of Switching Schemata in Reading Courses

VI Uluslararası Dil Yazın Deyişbilim Sempozyumu 2006, Pof. Dr. Kubilay Aktulum, Öğret. Görevlisi Murat Çeliker, Okutman Tuğba Yener, Araş. Gör. Sema Köse, Araş. Gör, Ece Çalış, Editör, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Basımevi, Isparta, Isparta, ss.431-433, 2007



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