Publications & Works

Refereed Congress / Symposium Publications in Proceedings

Jeotermal Çalışmalarda CBS Uygulamalarının Önemi ArcGIS 10 1

10. Uluslararası Temiz Enerji Sempozyumu, İstanbul, Turkey, 24 - 26 October 2016, pp.855-864

Spatial analysis of 2000 2016 earthquake catalogue in SW Anatolia

2. World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium, PRAG, Czech Republic, 5 - 09 September 2016

Türkiye de Jeotermal Enerji Eğitimi

Genç Yerbilimciler Kongresi, İzmir, Turkey, 5 June - 07 May 2015

Geothermal Potential of the Sigacik Gulf (Seferihisar) and Preliminary Investigations with Seismic and Magnetic Surveys

European-Geosciences-Union ((EGU) General Assembly on Division Energy, Resources and Environment, Vienna, Austria, 12 - 17 April 2015, vol.76, pp.230-239 identifier identifier

İzmir Körfezi Yüzey ve Karot Örneklerinde Gözlemlenen Antropojenik Ağır Metal Kirliliği

67. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı, Ankara, Turkey, 14 - 18 April 2014, pp.170-171

Batı Anadolu da ki Jeotermal Alanlara Bakış

67. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı, Ankara, Turkey, 14 - 18 April 2014, pp.384-385

Torbalı İzmir Jeotermal Alanı

20. ULUSLARARASI JEOFİZİK KONGRE VE SERGİSİ, Antalya, Turkey, 25 - 27 November 2013, pp.369-373

The use of geothermal energy in Aegean Sea in the future

The Second International Conference on Water, Energy and Environment, Aydın, Turkey, 21 - 24 September 2013, pp.217

Hidrotermal Çıkışların Kimyasal Fiziksel ve Biyolojik Özellikleri

66.Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı, Ankara, Turkey, 1 - 05 April 2013, pp.326-327

The Marine GeothermalExplorations in the Aegean Sea

International Geoscience Workshop of Korea, Azerbaijan and Turkey, Aydın, Turkey, 5 - 07 November 2012

The Presence of Geothermal Energy in the Aegean Sea

International Earth Science Colloquium on the Aegean Region, İzmir, Turkey, 1 - 05 October 2012, pp.215

An example of electrical restitivity tomography monitoring in geothermal sites Balçova İzmir case study

1. International Workshop on Geoelectric Monitoring, Viyana, Austria, 30 November - 02 December 2011, pp.31-42

Jeotermal Alanlarda Çökme Depremsellik ve SAR Girişimölçer Çalışmaları

X. Ulusal Tesisat Mühendisliği Kongresi, İzmir, Turkey, 13 - 16 April 2011, pp.177-191



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