M. Yılmaz Et Al. , " The reconstruction of the premaxilla with free medial scapular osteocutaneous flap," EUROPİAN FEDERATİON OF SOCİETİES FOR MİCROSURGERY 6TH CONGRESS , İstanbul, Turkey, pp.1, 2002
Yılmaz, M. Et Al. 2002. The reconstruction of the premaxilla with free medial scapular osteocutaneous flap. EUROPİAN FEDERATİON OF SOCİETİES FOR MİCROSURGERY 6TH CONGRESS , (İstanbul, Turkey), 1.
Yılmaz, M., Karaca, C., Demirdöver, C., Vayvada, H., & Menderes, A., (2002). The reconstruction of the premaxilla with free medial scapular osteocutaneous flap . EUROPİAN FEDERATİON OF SOCİETİES FOR MİCROSURGERY 6TH CONGRESS (pp.1). İstanbul, Turkey
Yılmaz, MUSTAFA Et Al. " The reconstruction of the premaxilla with free medial scapular osteocutaneous flap," EUROPİAN FEDERATİON OF SOCİETİES FOR MİCROSURGERY 6TH CONGRESS, İstanbul, Turkey, 2002
Yılmaz, MUSTAFA Et Al. " The reconstruction of the premaxilla with free medial scapular osteocutaneous flap." EUROPİAN FEDERATİON OF SOCİETİES FOR MİCROSURGERY 6TH CONGRESS , İstanbul, Turkey, pp.1, 2002
Yılmaz, M. Et Al. (2002) . " The reconstruction of the premaxilla with free medial scapular osteocutaneous flap." EUROPİAN FEDERATİON OF SOCİETİES FOR MİCROSURGERY 6TH CONGRESS , İstanbul, Turkey, p.1.
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